Friday, October 17, 2014


Last month a friend of mine wanted some portraits done for her birthday. I hadn't picked up a pencil in a while and wondered how rusty I'd gotten. This was the result:

I didn't have a scanner at the time so some of the details are lost or there's a glare in weird places. Also I used watercolor paper as that was the thickest I had at the time. I decided that I would try again today using the pencils I found last night.

A practice in narcissism! Without my glasses. I used charcoal for the eyeliner and the turquoise graphite for the rest. In some places I went back over with an eraser pencil. I didn't know they made such things. Pretty cool for tiny mistakes in tight spots. Pretty smooth drawing.

Well, I'm about to take the kiddo outside. As always, thanks for stopping by.

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