Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Available now on my Storenvy site is "Blue Flowers", a watered down acrylic painting on watercolor paper.

Sorry I've been gone for a few days, but I do like to socialize in person from time to time! Wouldn't want to stagnate staying at home all the time. I had a great time with some friends playing music, singing, and drawing while our kids played together. And I've now been commissioned to do a tattoo for one of those friends after she saw all of my work so far. Ego booster!

Here's what I started drawing at said social event:

I had this song stuck in my head while drawing her:

Oh, and THIS!

I'm official! I've already taken my business cards to a couple of local locations. One of ladies at my friend's house the other day mentioned a few places that sells local art, so I'm going to check those out next. See if they'll sell my prints or just my originals. Maybe even both! So excited!

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