Thursday, November 6, 2014

Quick Update

I have added the custom portrait option to my Etsy store as well. Same pricing as the other on my Storenvy site. I also added the "Liv" pastel drawing as a download for $1.99.

If you're curious as to what I tend to listen to when I'm drawing or writing, check out these links to my youtube lists:

                                          For Drawing

                                        For Writing

My tastes run a bit towards the dark and kind of depressing side, just so you are warned. Some of it might even make you sleepy as I tend to like things that give a kind of trance-like quality to my sound experience. I alternate between these two lists depending on my mood.

I am going to take this opportunity and shamelessly advertise for my friend who is in the photography business. Fantastic crisp images of nature. I personally have the "Billious" photo as a wallpaper on my desktop. Check her out here:
Elaona Pack Photography

As I'm nearing 1000 views on my site in the month it's been up, tomorrow I thought I would post a small drawing for you to download and keep for free. What will it be?

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