Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Venturing Further Into Color

I pulled an abstract on myself the other night whilst being kept up 'til 3am by SOMEONE'S CHILD... oh yeah, mine. It was fun, though, my eyeballs swirling and closing into near sleep while my brush moved across the paper. The first layer of paint, yeah I was nearly snoozing but while I was getting into the second layer, I perked up and started experimenting with my brush strokes... and stabs. I was nearly maniacal in my movement, to the point where my 3 year old stopped coloring with his crayolas to raise his eyebrow at me in puzzlement. Maybe it was more like concern.

Anyway, so here's what came about when my subconscious took over:

I've already put it up in my storenvy shop. I'm calling it "Abstracted Green". Well, goodnight all. I'm going to work on something else now.

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