Thursday, January 15, 2015

Crafty Star Lady

I mentioned in the last post that I did a fair amount of sewing and I forgot to post a picture of one of them.

Super hero quilt! The boy loved it.

Another thing art wise that I've picked up doing is making digital art for banners and icons. One Let's Play youtuber, marauderex, commissioned me for these and has asked for more. Check out his channels here and here. He also writes articles for a gaming site call OperationRainfall.

The figure I drew just for the fun of it. It's a fantasy type portrait of him. I'm going to do more banners and icons for him soon.

As for other things, I've done something to my hair!

I like to keep my hair short simply because my skin hates it. Meh, eczema. And I think I look awesome with it! Purple tips are soon to happen.

That's all for now. Kiddo neeeeeeeeeds me, as he put it. Ciao, and check out my buddy marauderex if you're into gaming.

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