Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Cernunnos! Or Billy.

Now available in my shops: "Billy"! I lufs him!

Coming off the holiday haze (and 3 major sewing projects), I was itching to use my pastel pencil again. This one was fast, I could just see this dude so clearly. So wild and smirky! Even slightly androgynous! I just want to WRITE about him endlessly now! Of course, now that I look him all over, I see bits of David Bowie when he was in the "Labyrinth", Alucard from the anime/manga "Hellsing", the ram horns typical of a Pan type god, a deer, and a goat. And he's wreathed in pine needles for the season! That's as close to holiday art as you're going to get from me. I thought about sprinkling pastel dust and slightly smearing it for snow, but I didn't want to chance messing any bit of him up.

I made a new copyright/logo as you can see on his left horn. Strangely proud of that.

I was listening to this song whilst drawing, over and over:

And this one:

"Never knew daylight could be so violent..." I imagine Billy, untamed, unpredictable, his smirk turning into a vicious smile full of bloodlust for the hunt. AH! Does he have an animal's incisors? (Chills)

Welp, I have more stuffins artwise to do, so I'll post again soon.

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