Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Whoa, Nelly!

It's a myth that Narcoleptics sleep ALL the time. We simply don't get the restorative 90 minutes of solid sleep time in between dreams like other do. Sometimes dreams happen while awake! Last night I was unable to sleep a wink. Not because I wasn't tired. Ooooh, boy, was I tired. Just couldn't get my mind to stop racing, or my eyes to close. I took my meds in hopes that this major sleep deprivation doesn't impair me too harshly today. However, I keep getting these fun little waves of silliness in between zombie states. BEHOLD!

I may get wild later after I down a pot of coffee and draw this cool idea my husband came up with the other night. Now as long as I don't get the wiggins (hallucinations and cataplexy) I should be cool. Here's to hoping! (raises coffee mug)

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